
Override the builtin if template tag

django-permission2 overrides the builtin if tag, adding two operators to handle permissions in templates. You can write a permission test by using has keyword, and a target object with of as below.

{% if user has 'blogs.add_article' %}
    <p>This user have 'blogs.add_article' permission</p>
{% elif user has 'blog.change_article' of object %}
    <p>This user have 'blogs.change_article' permission of {{object}}</p>
{% endif %}

{# If you set 'PERMISSION_REPLACE_BUILTIN_IF = False' in settings #}
{% permission user has 'blogs.add_article' %}
    <p>This user have 'blogs.add_article' permission</p>
{% elpermission user has 'blog.change_article' of object %}
    <p>This user have 'blogs.change_article' permission of {{object}}</p>
{% endpermission %}


You have to add ‘permission.templatetags.permissionif’ to ‘builtins’ option manually. See - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/releases/1.9/#django-template-base-add-to-builtins-is-removed - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/topics/templates/#module-django.template.backends.django Or following example:

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'OPTIONS': {
            'builtins': ['permission.templatetags.permissionif'],