# coding=utf-8
permission_required decorator for generic classbased view from django 1.3
from functools import wraps
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from permission.decorators.utils import redirect_to_login
[docs]def permission_required(perm, queryset=None, login_url=None, raise_exception=False):
Permission check decorator for classbased generic view
This decorator works as class decorator
DO NOT use ``method_decorator`` or whatever while this decorator will use
``self`` argument for method of classbased generic view.
perm : string
A permission string
queryset : queryset or model
A queryset or model for finding object.
With classbased generic view, ``None`` for using view default queryset.
When the view does not define ``get_queryset``, ``queryset``,
``get_object``, or ``object`` then ``obj=None`` is used to check
With functional generic view, ``None`` for using passed queryset.
When non queryset was passed then ``obj=None`` is used to check
>>> @permission_required('auth.change_user')
>>> class UpdateAuthUserView(UpdateView):
... pass
def wrapper(cls):
def view_wrapper(view_func):
def inner(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# get object
obj = get_object_from_classbased_instance(
self, queryset, request, *args, **kwargs
if not request.user.has_perm(perm, obj=obj):
if raise_exception:
raise PermissionDenied
return redirect_to_login(request, login_url)
return view_func(self, request, *args, **kwargs)
return inner
cls.dispatch = view_wrapper(cls.dispatch)
return cls
return wrapper
[docs]def get_object_from_classbased_instance(instance, queryset, request, *args, **kwargs):
Get object from an instance of classbased generic view
instance : instance
An instance of classbased generic view
queryset : instance
A queryset instance
request : instance
A instance of HttpRequest
An instance of model object or None
from django.views.generic.edit import BaseCreateView
# initialize request, args, kwargs of classbased_instance
# most of methods of classbased view assumed these attributes
# but these attributes is initialized in ``dispatch`` method.
instance.request = request
instance.args = args
instance.kwargs = kwargs
# get queryset from class if ``queryset_or_model`` is not specified
if hasattr(instance, "get_queryset") and not queryset:
queryset = instance.get_queryset()
elif hasattr(instance, "queryset") and not queryset:
queryset = instance.queryset
elif hasattr(instance, "model") and not queryset:
queryset = instance.model._default_manager.all()
# get object
if hasattr(instance, "get_object"):
obj = instance.get_object(queryset)
except AttributeError as e:
# CreateView has ``get_object`` method but CreateView
# should not have any object before thus simply set
# None
if isinstance(instance, BaseCreateView):
obj = None
raise e
elif hasattr(instance, "object"):
obj = instance.object
obj = None
return obj